All Children Can Achieve

Speech & Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy is an integral part of the education provided here at Burlington House School. We seek to meet the Speech, Language, and Social Communication needs of all pupils by providing individual, group or classroom based support, depending on the needs of the pupil, as well as advice and training for staff members.

Speech and Language support is provided by registered Speech and Language Therapists, who specialise in this area of work. All new pupils undergo a screening to assess listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, expressive language, verbal reasoning and speech sound processing skills. Upon entry, further baseline assessments are carried out in order to help us to devise a programme tailored to the pupil’s needs.

Intervention is carefully tailored for the individual, and liaison with teaching staff in all subject areas is considered very important, in order to evaluate the main areas of need and to gain a holistic understanding of the pupil.

How pupils are referred

Upon admission, we identify whether pupils are likely to require individual, group or classroom based speech and language therapy support. This is based on any existing paperwork but also our own assessment.
If there are concerns that a pupil requires additional support, this should be conveyed directly to the therapy team. We will consider referrals from pupils, parents, teachers or any other professional involved with the child.

How we work within the school

All pupils in Years 3-8 have weekly targeted Speech and Language therapy sessions to address needs such as confidence and self-esteem, speaking and listening, self-awareness, friendship, and social interaction skills.
Social Communication groups are also offered to pupils in Years 9 through to 13. The group activities are carefully tailored to the needs of the individuals in the group, through liaison with teachers, parents and the pupils themselves.

The Speech and Language Therapists are involved in Universal programmes like the Zones of Regulation, Mindfulness, Games club and provision of resources for education staff to support pupils throughout their school day. They are also constantly looking at new ideas and creative ways to implement more universal programmes in the school programme.

Parents can meet with the Speech and Language Therapists to discuss their child’s needs. Progress is reported via the termly school reports as well as at Parents evenings and in Annual Reviews when appropriate. Outcome measures enable us to monitor the pupils’ progress and evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

Please contact the Speech and Language Therapists should there be anything further you wish to talk about in relation to the Speech and Language Therapy provision at Burlington House School.