All Children Can Achieve

GCSE Resits

Burlington House Sixth Form can offer GCSE resits in the subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. Any resit arrangement will be incorporated into the day to day timetable as a scheduled lesson.

Your grade at GCSE will also be taken into account and an individual plan will be discussed with you. Options include starting at Entry Level, and then progressing to study Foundation Maths, English or Science at GCSE Level.

If you missed out on achieving a pass at GCSE by no more than 5 marks over the 3 papers in the previous summer, you will have the opportunity to re-sit the exam in November. However, you will be expected to attend all your timetabled lessons until the results are known in January.

It may also be possible to resit other GCSE exams during your time at the Sixth Form and this will be determined on a case by case basis.